Tuesday 3 October 2017

Not the best.

Two failed long-line attempts means he needs to put up with cannulas for longer. To insert a long-line, they put in a cannula, and through that thread a long thin wire up his vein, then thread onto the wire a very small tube, and push that up into the vein, and finally remove the wire; Voila, you have a very long thin tube in your vein, which lasts much longer than a normal cannula. Only his tube kept getting stuck at a valve, meaning a small cutting of skin to try and push it up, a fair bit of blood, and a big fat fail. Despite the laughing gas.... this was no laugh. He did not complain and we will try again tomorrow (he is a frickin hero our boy!). 

Physio at the gym was a non-starter; he was pale, clammy and coughing so much, he looked like he might pass out. Lung function was terrible; huge drop. LF is the measure of wellness in CF, but we're assuming today's reading was meaningless, as he was coughing so much, he just wasn't able to do the test well (to think otherwise is too depressing). He is eating very little, and the coughing zaps all of his energy, so he is not up for games. His oxygen blood saturations are too low, and I think might be causing his headaches. He has not been this unwell for a long time. 

Today was not a good day, but Isaac's response to anyone who ever asks him how his day has been is; Not the best. So let's go with that. I like his version better. 

Hoping I'll have better news for you soon. 18.40 on the ward, and we're already in our PJ's. Tonight will be a long night x