Thursday 12 October 2017

Bugs and barriers.

Things are being to look brighter; Isaac's appetite is slowly coming back (we're at the Oreo ice cream and nutella stage - whatever he wants goes!), he is down to 2-4 litres of oxygen, he has more colour, and apart from when he's coughing, or being sick from coughing, he is beginning to feel better in himself. 

Tests have finally revealed that Isaac currently has not one, not two, but three respiratory viruses. Including parainfluenza and rhino virus. There is no treatment for viruses, we just have to ride this out, but this does explain the fevers and why he became so poorly, so quickly. The viruses attack and weaken his lungs, which in turn make his colonised bacterial bug (PseudoA) have a little party (in CF known as an exacerbation). Strangely this makes me feel pretty positive. The fear was that a new, as yet unknown to us CF bug had moved in to join the Pseudo party, which would be much more worrying. This feels more like just shitty luck. 

This positive test also means Isaac is back on barrier nursing (gloves and aprons before you can enter, throw in the bin as you leave) and considered as contagious to other patients. It does feel a little late now, as we've been in 6 different beds since we got here, but who knew. This means our own room (yay) but that he cannot leave it (boo) - so back to commodes and pee pots, and the few steps he can walk will have to be in circles around this small room.

On Monday it will have been two weeks on IVs, which would usually be the end of treatment. This certainly isn't going to be the case now, as he's just too poorly. The doctors have asked for a meeting with us tomorrow, which always slightly panics me. Constant tests means constants test results, and you never know what might happen next. 

Today he got a card from a friend (thank you Ellis) which really cheered him up. Chronic illness is a funny thing; when he broke his leg he got loads of get well cards, but rarely does now (family excluded). I get this though, I mean when do you send one? On his first admission each year? His second? His third? Not every time surely. Anyway, hopefully as he starts to feel better he will be more open to the idea of visitors (quite possibly the visible O2 nasal specs and being so confined to his bed put him off) - I would so love to see him laughing with his friends again. We live right by the school, and I can't help but feel sad when I sit in his empty bedroom, seeing all his classmates head into school, going about their normal day, and not knowing when Isaac will be well enough to do the same. 

Sorry, ending on a melancholy note, whereas today has been a better day. They say you are only as happy as your least happy child, and I think for me this goes for wellness too. Today Isaac is beginning to eat and feel better, and I am beginning to shake less, get stuff done, and can concentrate for more than a minute at a time. Unless he is well, I'm a little bit broken too x