Thursday 14 March 2019

No place like home/Brexshit.

We will be starting IVs again early next week. 

Isaac is feeling no better, no worse, but a review of his lung function, xrays, bloods and symptoms have led his team to this decision, which makes sense to us. His last IVs were actually 12 weeks ago, which is a pretty good run for him of late. We will go in, pick up mountains of drugs, access his port, have the first dose, and (all going well) come home. I will do his IVs here (home, glorious home) and we only need be admitted if he gets much less well/his lung function has not increased after the first week (nothing like a deadline to get him to do his physio super well!). 

For that chance.... to stay home and snuggly.... we are super grateful. 
Have a great day x 

PS: I half wanted to write a ranty brexshit post about how Brexit/no deal may affect our availability to medications/and not attract talent/resource to meet recruitment needs in the NHS/and further negatively impact medical research (the UK is very successful at conducting clinical trials, sponsoring around 1,500 trials right now in collaboration with other EU countries – half of which will happening this year. Or won’t be happening). Sigh. But right now I think we have enough Brexshit.