Saturday 16 March 2019

Crackles and coughing

We’ve gone from resigned acceptance that he needs to start IVs this week to step up his treatment against Pseudomonas, to a much increased crackle and cough, and a desire to bring it on as quickly as possible. He needed percussion physio last night (on top of the physio he does independently) which he doesn’t ask for often. The Cipro is having no effect, despite his Psuedo seemingly appearing sensitive to it. It’s looking like Tuesday before they can fit us in for his port access and for the first dose (he always has to have the first dose in hospital, in case of a reaction).

When he is like this I simply have to listen, to hold my hands round his ribs to feel the vibrations, the crackles, to look at his eyes, to hear the wheeze... and I just know that his daily nebulised and oral antibiotics, the mucous thinners, the lung shaking physio (his everyday treatments), they’re just not going to cut it this time. He needs these IVs. 

In true Isaac style, he is taking it all in his stride.

To support our fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust who fund seriously groundbreaking research, please click here. CF is actually one of the areas of medicine where a cure is a realistic idea, but they lack the funding to achieve this potential. As such, myself and a bunch of my amazing friends will walking the Great Strides walk in the Surrey Hills in June. For me, a bonkers 67km in a single day. 

Man Ray love ❤️