Sunday 31 March 2019

Drugs and rivers.

A week into IVs and his lung function had increased a measly 2%. Enough to not be admitted (for now) but much less than we had hoped for one week in. This means an increased course - instead of finishing on day 14, his next test will be on day 17, and if we don’t see a significant increase by then, I imagine we’ll be looking at third week. He is still coughing (a lot at times) so either we’re looking at something new, these drugs are just taking their time, or his inflammatory response is on overdrive. He is mostly in good spirits still, going to school when he can. He sleeps through the morning dose (at sparrows fart) and I get to count his beautiful freckles while I push high dose toxic drugs directly into his bloodstream. He is so handsome. 

Today by the river with my gorgeous girls.
Hello spring, we are very glad to see you x