Saturday 1 April 2017

Something amazing has happened

....really truly amazing!

We haven't decided on our big fundraiser for this year (possibly Isaac and I are thinking of doing something together) but we always have a few things on the go (I sell my own candles, my Mum organises Bridge days, my sister is always doing runs....). We will be raffling off a case of bubbly at the 40th birthday party a couple of friends and I are having next month, for example. As such, I always have a couple of fundraising pages on the go at any time, and add to these as we go along. Anyway, you can see my latest page here. And it is here that something amazing happened yesterday.....

We received an anonymous donation for ....... £1000!!! 

I am quite literally gobsmacked, delighted, shocked, and a little bit in love with this nameless donor! I don't know what to say, other than Thank You so so much.

Re-watching this debate in Parliament tonight reminds me of how much more we need to do to find a cure, and yet also how much closer we are. Drugs that actually treat the underlying cause of CF rather than its symptoms, were just a pipedream when Isaac was born. Now they are a reality for some people with CF, and we need to keep the momentum going until all classes of CF mutations have that same opportunity, both in developing the drugs which will work for all, and working with pharmaceuticals to make them accessible without crippling the NHS.

ONE THOUSAND POUNDS CLOSER! I hope, like me, this news leaves you with that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you're reminded of all the kindness and hope in the world x