Friday 14 April 2017

Freckles and noses.

It's freckle season around here, when the first few rays of sunshine splatter them over our faces. They have not inherited my auburn hair, but they did get the pale skin (poor kids) and freckles - Isaac and Rosa especially. I do love a freckle face. 

We're trying to get summer ready; packing the sun cream, planting the veggies, and exercising more. Dan and I are going for a very rare kid-free weekend soon to see a friend in Croatia and celebrate his 40th. This involves a boat trip around the coast.... the stuff of parental dreams! In my mind I see tanned, bikini clad women in nice sandals, sipping cocktails, dancing, and diving effortlessly into the sea. In reality I will be more white/blue skin, covered in factor 50, in an oversized T to hide the squishy belly, in tatty flip flops (but I'll take the cocktails, dancing and swimming anyway, 'cos I'm that kinda girl). I have a month to get (kind of) boat ready, and that involves getting the kids even more active too. Great stuff!

Isaac is doing well. He spent the first week of holidays at a CUFC day camp. He has a CT scan scheduled in a couple of weeks. The problems with his nose (CF related Polyps etc) are somewhat worse than I had hoped, and surgery is the only option. But he is keen, and the consultant was very encouraging. He is confident that Ise will have a massive improvement (as in... be able to breathe through his nose again). We're just hoping this can happen sooner rather than later now. It will no doubt mean more time off school (his attendance this year so far is at 83%). I must confess a hugely unprofessional (if being a CF Mum were a job) giggling episode watching the camera up his nose. From zooming into his face to a nasal cavity.... yikes! Thankfully we share the same humour, he wants me to record it on my phone next time. 

Found this blog powerful, scary, and very moving.
Also just finished a book by one of my all time favourite authors, Khaled Hossieni, And the Mountains Echoed, and actually sobbed on the train, much to the distress of the only other passenger in the carriage (it was late), poor guy! 

Happy holibobs all x
PS; And no, still no idea who our mystery donor is. Ever thankful x