Thursday 20 April 2017

Spinning plates

My week; Doctors appointments for two of the kids. One blood test. One lovely friend leaving work. One parents evening (during which the first teacher I saw kicked off with 'Isaac misses a lot of school....'. Yeah? No shit Sherlock). One mad dash to the hospital for X-rays and to see Isaac's consultant.... resulting in one admission to hospital (tomorrow). Most busy at work I've been all year, Monday deadline looming. Did I mention that I also work full time now?

I walked out of school in tears; mostly Isaac does OK, but he misses so much he struggles. I feel both proud that he manages to keep up as much as he does, and gutted that he has to just keep up.  Now my tears have turned to frustration, my head is spinning and screaming 'Why do people vote UKIP/Tory/Trump??? Why the hell do people fly-tip? Why do people walk/cycle/drive SO slowly whenever I'm in a hurry? Why do people wear trainer sandals? .....but mostly, why is it just one thing after another for our lovely boy?'. Tonight is very much a gin night.

My eternal adoration goes out to our amazing CF team, especially our consultant, who saw us first thing, out of clinic time, and came to our rescue once again. She spent a long time with us talking about our options, and checking first with her colleagues from Gastro for a second opinion, and chasing up ENT for his surgery date. Also X-ray who got us in and out within 10 minutes, and the ward which rang me shortly after with a check-in time for tomorrow morning. We hope this admission will be a flying visit. Less ranty updates to follow. Whatever way you vote in this general election, I urge you to check their policy on the NHS and consider this very high up on your agenda; It's at the top of mine. We will all need it one day, and we need to protect it.