Brexshit continues, but I'm not allowed to say that now, because it makes me a 'remoaner', apparently. Anouk (age 8) asked me what all this means, and I was tired, so it seemed easiest to just say 'immigration built this nation, but sadly some kids still don't like to share', and she replied 'jeez, some adults are silly'. Too true baby! She is a clever one that kid.
Sent Rosa (age 4) to school in flares today. Her bottom is so small she looked like a triangle. So cute!
Trialling Isaac (age 12 - Can you tell I'm a Programme Manager with those age gaps - scheduled to perfection!) on packed lunches. Since he started Secondary School he has been buying lunch there, but frequently not taking his medication with his food (which results in malabsorption - in other words, not digesting his food properly, resulting in tummy aches, runs, and gaining no goodness from his food). This has had mixed results, as he is taking his medication more often, but also helping himself to school dinners after his packed lunch, and so under dosing anyway!
Have a great day x