Saturday 9 January 2021

Group 1000km

We are walking 1000km over January to raise much needed funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. More than ever, charities need donations, and we need a cure for CF. To read more, and sponsor us, please click here. We will post updates throughout the month x 

Group total: 278km. 
Personal total: 111km. 

Day 9. 

17km walk (to St Ives) in the freezing fog. Bumping into some friends and family on the way was lush. I’m getting my mojo back... things are going to get better! Spent A LOT of time daydreaming about going to gigs again, and throwing a big summer party (when we can). Walking song of the day was either the also luscious Aldous Harding (love it here) or the more dramatic Perfume Genius (listen here) which my lovely Lemon introduced me to. 

Day 10.

I am over 100km!!! Lovely walk in the sunshine today, listening to a book. I’m just loving this now. Drove a short way to the next village to find a more remote walk, where I hardly saw another soul - but reading the papers later, I fear this is probably not within the lockdown rules. Bit vague, that ‘local’ bit. The lakes in my own village have become a bit of a tourist attraction, meaning a short drive to a quieter area is safer, but I get how hard it must be to define and enforce rules, and like many, I’m frustrated walking past groups of people ignoring the rules. From now on, I’ll walk to the next village. 

My pictures for today don’t come from my own walk though... they come from the wonderful Vanessa, in NZ! Love you ❤️