Monday 26 December 2016

A coughing good Christmas.

It is me coughing this Christmas. A 'can't lie down for spluttering, lung screaming, throat angering' kind of cough. But being ill is always a reminder of what it might be like to feel rubbish daily, as some people are, others who are suffering in ways I almost never do. Feeling normal is criminally underrated, and I am as guilty as the next person for taking that forgranted. And so I hope my empathy and this cough makes me a better Mum in some small way, for my boy who almost never feels 'normal'. That is my coughing Christmas silver lining. 

We have had a lovely Christmas. The kids have had fun. We are relaxing with family, surrounded by music, and soaked in gin. 
Wishing you all a happy holidays too x