Tuesday 28 October 2014

Merry Moly World on TV

Did I ever tell you about the time we were on TV? We were contacted through Guys hospital, where we had the IVF and PGD to conceive the girls. Reluctant at first, after meeting Adam, the writer/producer, we agreed. Loved him, and all the questions that he was raising. This was 4 years ago now, around Christmas time, and just before we got married (at home, with the kids and all our family and friends around us) so here you can see a mini Isaac and baby Anouk (make sure you watch to the scrambled egg bit).

To see the full program, search on you tube 'should I test my genes'. It's well worth watching, as well as Adam Wishharts other documentaries.

For the little segment including us, click HERE!

PS; Isaac is doing great right now, thank you to everyone who has asked x