Monday 2 August 2021

Adrenaline junky

We are still home. 
IVs are going OK. 
Doing home IVs always leaves me with this low level anxiety which gives me the constant shakes and no appetite. 
I don’t know why. Since we’re thankful to be at home and not on the ward. 
Adrenaline likely. 
How many times have I done this? 500 hundred? A thousand doses? 
Giving them is fine, but mixing them is no fun. Have you seen the size of those teeny vials against my shaking hands and summer sausage fingers? 
Review with the team tomorrow, and lung function tests. 
I’m not sure how this one will go. 
He is coughing so much still. 
He says if they ask him to come in, he will refuse. 
This is hard. 

Keep well x

Bauhaus love.