Monday 16 March 2020


This is feeling very fucking real now. 

We are all now in full isolation. There is a confirmed case linked to Isaac’s school. Before that, we had decided to keep Rosa and Anouk home anyway, but it’s making more sense by the hour. Dan worked today, but we’re both feeling ill - most likely with the bug Rosa had last week, and Anouk has now. Nothing more. But since it’s a chesty one, we’ll all be home tomorrow. 

Today I had five meetings on skype. During one, Rosa appeared in the room dressed as an Indian with a curly blonde wig on. By the last, the kids were all fed up and asking me to mute myself to ask questions like ‘I’m bored, what can we do?’ or ‘since the cookers not working, can we have crisps for tea?’. Our standards are already slipping, last night I saw Isaac make himself a bowl of pasta with sauce, but then add squished up crisps on top, as if they were croutons. My heads hurts. I can’t keep up with the work I need to do. And everything single thing the kids want to eat, we have run out of (we still have food, they just naturally want what they can’t have). Each day I drive to a remote lane and walk Obie by the lakes. My only alone time. 

And this is day three.... they are talking about people with underlying health issues self isolating for 12 weeks?! 

CF clinic are only offering telephone appointments, unless you have significant new symptoms. Isaac’s ENT surgeon called me today to see how he was recovering (really well now, thankfully) and told me what we already suspected; had he not had the surgery when he did, he would be waiting a long, long time before planned admissions would go ahead. We are so thankful for that, and for all the kind messages of support from friends, family and community. We have care packages of antibacterial wipes and hand sanitiser on their way. At the same time, I’m frustrated I can’t do more myself for our parents and other vulnerable people around us, who if not yet, will soon be isolated too. 

After being glued to the news for days, I am suddenly exhausted and have information overload. I crave fiction. The kids are coping much better than me, but for how long? This is going to be tough for everyone. Stay well people x