Monday 20 November 2017


It's 3pm in the afternoon, and I'm sat in hospital watching Isaac sleep - he is swollen but beautiful. He also is morphined up to his gorgeous eyeballs following his nasal surgery. What they thought was numerous nasal polyps (really common in CF) blocking his airway both sides, was in fact one small polyp, and three huge cysts, completely blocking his airways/cavity. He has come out bloody, swollen and brave. It will take a couple of weeks or more to calm down - but after that, he should feel much much better; he hasn't been able to breathe through his nose in a year. 

They also did a bronchoalveolar lavage, to collect more sputum from his lungs, to test further for the NTM (henceforth known here as; New Twatish Microbastard). 

I look at him going through all this and realise this is like a full time job - he is only twelve; but just to stay well each day and keep CF at bay includes countless medications, physio, endless nebulisers, IV's, hospital stays, added extras like surgery, intestinal blockages.... but everytime we come in, he does it without complaint, thanking everyone who cares for him. If he feels scared, he never lets anyone (but me) see it. He watches as the needles enter his skin. He knows which are his good veins, and which are now useless from so many lines. Today he looked around the huge theatre, eyes wide, but acting calmly. We don't usually see the inside, as they put him to sleep just outside, but today was different. I hate the way he shakes, like a fit, as the gas puts him to sleep. Today they made it strawberry scented for him. The staff are amazing. 

Hopefully this will just be a flying visit, and he will recover at home (he will miss another 10 days of school, because of infection risk - his attendance this term will likely be under 50%, a worry for another day). In the meantime, we wait nervously for the test results to come in. 

Have some more cool pictures x