Monday 28 August 2017

Part six and seven.

Sorry for the lack of updates; we've been enjoying ourselves too much. Due to the bank holiday weekend, and there being an absence of doctors, Isaac was able to come home for a few hours each day. Some home time makes all the difference. We are now back on the ward, in our third bed of the week, and in a much nicer room, with huge windows overlooking the garden. This makes me very happy. I feel like we have room to breathe. 

Tomorrow we will stay here to have lots more tests, and results, in the hope that they will agree to let us go home on IV's for the next week. To get home, I need to demonstrate that I can mix up and administer the drugs  (uber sterile, gloved and gowned up) three times. One done tonight, another later, and then again at 6am. Although his long-line has been getting stiff to push the drugs through, it seemed OK tonight, so we just have to hope it lasts the next week. They always aim for a course of 14 days with IV antibiotics, but we've previously done anything between 10 and 21, due to either the line failing early, or him still being unwell after two weeks. 

He is still cheerful and is coughing less. The not so good news is that his O2 sats are very low after exercise (moderate hypoxia), I need to speak to his doctors further about this, to understand what this means. Really hoping for some better news tomorrow. Had a very long and lovely hug from my dear Mum earlier. We both needed that. 

The view from our room. See that door down the very very very far end? That's where I have to go for my cup of tea. Helps pass the time x