We are home! Can't tell you how happy we are. Discharge day is always the hardest for us; once you have your hopes up, the delays in actually getting out the door become mega frustrating. No one is to blame for this (but Jeremy Cunt certainly hasn't helped the situation), so you don't get mad at anyone, just at the situation. To get out, we need a discharge letter, drugs from pharmacy, and medical equipment in order for me to do his IV's at home for the next week. This took eleven hours. We arrived home more exhausted, both mentally and physically, than when we went in.
Home IV's on top of all his usual treatments is a pretty full in schedule, but we are so thankful to be home, we don't care.
The ward at night.
Our home IV station, and a card from his sister.
One evenings medications. The girls still call his long line a wiggly (just as he used to).
The empties after making up IV's.
The final IV doses for the night all made up, gloved and plastic aproned, administered by moi!