Monday 3 October 2016

The sadness that surrounds us.

I must admit the last few days have knocked me a little. Lots of sad news. Young lives lost. Other CF friends struggling. Isaac coughing again. Clinic next week. A favourite nurse leaving (it's things like this that make a real difference).

This blog is not about Me. It's about CF, and all that goes with it. But I am so affected by all of that, it's hard to separate the two. To leave the 'Me' out of this. 

It's been a hell of a summer; Lots of highlights (France, New York, our fabulous new family caravan in Dunwich, Isaac and Rosa starting new schools, the arrival of fab family babies) and other challenges (new role at work, training and 4 exams to hurry through qualification to keep said job). Put it this way, the house has never been messier. But it's all been doable (just) because Isaac has been so well this summer, until now. For which I feel so bloody fortunate. He has had the great start to Secondary school that we hoped for. Like any other kid. Which is So Important. 

It's also all too easy to dwell on the worries; like this about the risk nuts may pose to people with CF.  I mean, hell, there's not much to worry about already is there? It used to just be jacuzzi's, rotten onions, compost, stagnant water, other people with CF, greenhouses, inadequately chlorinated pools, rotten coughing people.... The list goes on. It's crazy making stuff for CF parents.

 .......but then this, which makes me smile again.  It's a funny old up and down life, isn't it?
Merriness will resume shortly x