Monday 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween.

Hello. We are all coughing. Nothing new for autumn, in a house where we are systematically exposed to walking, spluttering, gunk dribbling bio hazards (small children).

Isaac is due back in clinic (just 2 weeks after the last one) due to his drop in lung function (LF). I don't imagine we'll see an improvement yet, despite the extra antibiotics, but my hope is this is viral rather than his pseudo infection (further reading here, but it might put you off hot tubs for life) rearing its ugly spiteful head any further. Still, I am so thankful that he made a whole half term at the start of Secondary School without a full day off, can't really complain. He is settled and happy, and that means the world to me. 

My exciting read tonight was this article which is music to my ears. I imagine (quite possibly incorrectly) a biofilm to be like a slimy film around something (like a slippy seaweed around a rock in the ocean) which sounds quite inpenitrable, due to its oozyness, protecting its evil bacterial friends. So let's kill kill kill!!  

Please also watch this if you have two minutes, and sign up here if you have one more. 

Have a great day x