Thursday 31 July 2014

Worry list

He has tonsillitis, again. Fevers persist, and his throat is nasty. Especially annoying at the start of his summer holidays. But I suppose he has had a long stretch of good health, so I shouldn't complain too much. He doesn't. His chest is pretty bad too tonight, despite the three different antibiotics he is on. Extra physio seems to be helping. 

Like all mums, I worry, but because of the things I REALLY worry about, I have learnt to worry a whole lot less about some things that I just can't fit in my head. Here is my list of worries today (I reserve the right to re-order at any given time) - if you would like to purchase any worries, please do contact me, I seem to be over stocked right now.

Things that terrify me:

Losing any of my family and friends
mycobacterium abscessus
The words 'sudden decline'

Things that worry me a lot: 

CF related diabetes
Not having enough of me left to do my best at work and letting people down
CF liver disease
Not having the time to do all the things that I want to do with the kids
Syria, Gaza, Ukraine.....
Being there for my girls as much as I am there for my boy, when CF takes me away
The teenage years 
Have they cleaned their teeth properly tonight? 
Being the best mum, wife, daughter, friend, sister I can be

Things that I don't have time to worry about (sorry):

Being anyone other than who I am (used to worry me in my twenties, couldn't care less now)
Getting the kids to sleep in their own beds, rather than diagonally across ours
Travelling, reading, exploring, seeing as much art in the world as I possibly can (because while I can't do it all now, one day I will catch up, I will immerse myself in all the beautiful things in the world..... you won't see me for years!). 

I feel kinda better now for writing that down. Good night all x