Tuesday 29 January 2019

Orkambi. Still waiting.

Orkambi is a drug which should be available right now for the many throusands of people with Cystic Fibrosis for whom it will work. 

“Children & young adults with CF endure lifelong suffering & early death. They need Orkambi and other precision medicines as they are developed. Sufferers in the EU, US & Australia can access the drugs, but not the UK. Hundreds have died in the 3yrs since these drugs were licensed”.

To urge Vertex, the pharmaceutical who developed Orkambi, to negotiate further with NHS England, please click here, it will take just a minute. 
To sign the petition urging NHS England to never give up, please click here. 

CF is unfair enough already without having to fight for drugs which might save your lungs from further decline.