Sunday 10 December 2017

Waiting, birthdays, snow days.

We continue to wait for test results. Some have trickled in and others will take weeks more.... the news we do have is mixed...
  • After being told that his lungs in broncoscopy looked like one of the worst our consultant had ever seen.... the preliminary results of his CT are looking, well.... pretty OK- and crucially, no signs of NTM disease. Full report outstanding. 
  • His lung function a couple of weeks ago was really promising, but his Pseudo infection is rampant again, so he is back on extra antibiotics. We have to hope these work, otherwise we're looking at IVs again, and if we start IVs before Christmas, this would be the third time in five months - more frequent than he has ever needed them before. 
  • His nose post surgery is better everyday.... but his lungs are not. He is coughing more each day. 
  • Although now have to contend with the New-Twattish-Microbastard (CF bug-wise; really bad news) it's looking hopeful it is not the really nasty strain; we're looking at two years of treatment to try and eradicate the bug, but feel we got lucky somehow. 
  • The surgery to fit his portacath has been scheduled for early January, hopefully before he needs IVs again, which is essential because it's increasingly hard to find compliant veins, and we don't want to go through another two week course of IVs seeking out hiding veins which only collapse ..... Only we have yet to convince him that a port is for the best (I'll blog about ports in more detail soon, but essentially, this is a permenant IV device surgically implanted into his chest wall, meaning he will no longer need other cannulas). 
We've also been having fun in the snow, and celebrating Anouk's birthday. Happy day beautiful! x 

Small medium and large today, including the rarely spotted grumpy teen!