Tuesday 5 July 2016

You put your hands into your head. And your smiles cover your heart.

Rosa is well again, and loving life in a leotard it seems. Day and night... 
I am excited about new travels, and so thankful for a supportive husband. 
Anouk is a beautiful soul. She is not so excited about my travels. 
I am almost crying listening to Daughter (who I can't wait to see at Latitude very soon). 
Isaac is kicking some serious chest infection butt. My soldier. 
With GiftAid we are well over £6000 for our Trekfest. Amazing! 
I am thinking of a friend in pain from loss today also. Susan, my love and thoughts are with you x 

The lovely Bonny found this and sent it to me earlier. Had forgotten all about it. Never do local news now, since they always make CF sound like a sob story rather than a life so enriched, where we dance everyday, we laugh, we have the best fun. And that's because we have the best family and friends. It's all about the people! Always. Love, love, love x