Tuesday 9 September 2014

Staying in....

We won't be coming home today as we had hoped. There is no improvement in his lung function yet, it's just kind of static, and they want him to gain some 20% before we get out, to get him back to his baseline (really hoping we're not looking at his new baseline).

Started some mega dose steroids to put the heeby jeebies into his inflammation problems, and hope this improves things enough by his next test (Friday) otherwise we could be looking at a broncoscopy (camera down into the lungs for a little scoot around, and a wee hoover out while they're down there, which means theatre, general anaesthetic, and most importantly to him, some time NIL BY MOUTH (his most dreaded phrase, along with 'Hospital School' - oh yes, he is now having a hour a day with a teacher too - he is not impressed!).

Good news is his long line seems to be lasting well, no problems as yet, and he contunues to feel OK(ish), but for the coughing. Chest X-ray showed no pneumothorax.

So again we are thanking all his visitors, family, a friend who kindly sent him a Costa voucher for his hot chocolate addiction (thanks Gabe) and everyone who is helping out with the girls while we stay in. Dan is back to work tomorrow so I am in full time for the next few days, just in time for the steroids, which always have him grumpy and bouncing off the walls. Wish me luck!

Will update when I can (wifi access only in some parts of the hospital). Have a great day x