Friday 12 September 2014

Hospital schmostimal no more!

Two posts in a row, because I had no wifi earlier.... What a difference a few hours makes! 

We are home! The steroids have done the trick - he is like a fire ball of energy right now, mood swings galore and eating for England (all known side effects), but his lung function is up at last! In fact, it's the best it's been FOR A YEAR! And we are home, woohoo! Continuing the steroids and IV's at home until Tuesday, when we go back for a review and more lung functions tests. They need to see him stabilised, but we are feeling much more positive. His fantastic response to the steroids means he may need to continue you with them long term. (CF friends; Perhaps inflammation rather than infection is his main problem. What do you think? Any experiences of long term steroid use to share?). 

He was so sad and feeling defeated just before the test, it was heart breaking. I am so proud of him, it's not been easy. Now I need to get back to my lovely family for some serious cuddle time. More soon x 

PS: Sorry, got to do a massive shout out to Ben, Wills, Sonny and Matthew for visiting so much (the parentals accompanying them were OK too ;0) it seriously made each day knowing that he had that to look forward to, and the biggest thanks to Auntie Bronte, who came everyday, and sat with him to give me a break. Love you. And again for everyone who helped with our gorgeous girls, who I have missed so so much. We are so lucky to have you all x