Thursday 12 June 2014

We dance, we laugh.

I started this blog to raise awareness of CF, organ donation, and our fundraising, as well as using it as a way to update our friends and family on our own life with CF.

Like everyone, I can't be positive all the time, and if I'm honest, I do have the odd wobble. But things have got easier, and I certainly have less wobbles now (I say wobbles, but it's more like falling into a crushingly black empty hole of despair and pain... Sorry, have I said too much?). But I also want to tell you that when you might ask me how he is, my standard response of 'oh he's great, he'll be fiiiinnnne' is an honest response. I honestly think he will be fine, and yes, maybe part of that is that I can't think of a future where he's not, but mostly it is because we are hugely optimistic.

We laugh, we dance. And no one could ever say that we don't make the most of our lives. We fill his life with fun, and love, and that is always our priority. I am quite a dancer, and when I say that, I don't mean it in a 'I can dance' kind of way, in fact I'm quite sure anyone who has seen me after a glass or five would be able to tell you, it probably isn't great! But we do. We are those rubbish kind of parents who completely ignored the well intentioned advice given to us about babies 'let them teach themselves to fall asleep in their own beds' and instead ended up rocking our babies to sleep, and we're still doing it with our nearly two year old at times. But rock we do, and to any kind of music in my head. We dance around the kitchen table all the time, fill our lives with friends and family, and we are so so happy.

There is not a day that goes past without us laughing. My husband who never stops singing (the most god damn awful eighties songs). My boy who makes me so proud I could burst. My beautiful girly girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. My feisty baby girl, who really isn't such a baby anymore. They wow me. So you see, CF is very much in the background, and only one small part of our lives, and certainly will never be what makes him, him, or us, us x