Thursday 25 July 2024


Our position is summed up nicely in this (albeit US) blog, with the available population clearly lower in the UK. 

This is difficult, exciting, terrifying, hopeful and a whole washing machine load of spinning emotions, both at once, but also, so slow; excruciatingly slow. Right now, his chest sounds worse, rumbling and deep, despite extra antibiotics and his whole plethora of usual meds. His weight is also down, a sure sign of something not quite right. Tomorrow might be better, or not. We see his team shortly.

This endless cycle of infection, inflammation and IVs highlights that time is absolutely of the essence, and research, results, publications, data analysis, funding… far too slow. From a patient/family perspective, we live on an edge, never hopeless, but never calm. 

Dogs and nature - our therapy. Obie and Remycoe ❤️