Friday 19 August 2022

100 incredible miles

On September 2nd 2022, my friend Simon Wright will be running the Millstone 100. 

100 miles over the Peak District. Amazing, or just plain bonkers! 100 miles!!!!

Simon is running this on behalf of both his families charity, The Millie Wright Children's Charity (see Simon Wright is fundraising for The Millie Wright Children's Charity ( for the amazing work that they do), and, very kindly, for the CF Trust. Please give anything you can, every penny really is much appreciated. 

The fact that I have such beautiful friends who think of our cause, on the back of their own tragic loss, is touching beyond words.

You can donate to Simon’s charity here. They are raising important funds for families of children diagnosed with rare, life threatening non-malignant liver, renal and haematological conditions at Leeds Children’s hospital, to mirror those on oncology wards. A gap that must be rectified.

Or to the CF Trust on my fundraising site here.

Good luck Simon, and thank you doesn’t quite cover it. ❤️