Saturday 19 March 2022

The court has ruled.

Finally got the letter from court today, following days of butterflies. 

The judge and panel ruled massively in our favour! Not only is Isaac awarded PIP for daily living restrictions, he was given the enhanced rate (we thought after the initial rejection that he might only be awarded standard rate, if at all), as well as standard mobility (which I had not thought we even applied for!). On top of this, the award is not only backdated from when his DLA payments ended last year, but covers five years (some are only given for two years) meaning we don’t need to reapply in all that time. 

We nervously opened the letter together. I felt sick with worry that I may have let him down. The relief is palpable. Isaac is delighted. I truly cannot thank Sangeeta and the CF Trust enough for their invaluable support, advice, and immense knowledge on this subject. 

I could bang on for hours about how and why Isaac deserves this support, but I expect I don’t need to here.  

Thank you for all the love and support that we have received. Love love love! 

Some happy photos x