Tuesday 21 July 2020


Isaac finished IVs today, feeling so much better. The last couple of weeks have been really rocky; firstly coughing SO much more, then so exhausted from the double treatment of anti-fungals and IV antibiotics at the same time. Then feeling better, but followed up with a couple of days of nausea, chills, and sickness. He has bounced back miraculously and his lung function today was good. Hopefully he is set up now for a summer of good health. He really deserves a good break.

If you would like to support the amazing work the CF Trust do in funding research into life changing treatments AND have a chance of winning money back, please enter this online raffle - it really only takes two minutes. Thanks so much for reading, and happy summer all. We don’t have many plans, since we thought we would still be shielding, but now feel like tortoises, slowly poking out our heads to see what is what. There is so much fun to be had. Life is beautiful x 

Gerhard Richter, one of my favourites.