Sunday 9 February 2020

Corona virus

If Isaac were to contract this kind of virus, he would be at such a disadvantage from the off, it would be a significant risk to his life. 

We have already seen a virus take him from being quite well, having IV antibiotics on the ward, to intensive care needing breathing assistance - in just a matter of hours. That illness necessitated the use of a wheel chair, 24/7 oxygen, and a physical recovery which took many weeks (I’m not sure our mental recovery is even complete now). Mostly we just feel lucky that he recovered at all. 

However you feel about the risk (or not) of Corona virus, and wherever you are in the world, please, please practice good hand hygiene (this is much more powerful than wearing masks alone) - like having the flu jab, this is more about protecting those more vulnerable around you, than protecting yourself. 

If this does become a pandemic, and it sounds like it will, every one of us must take responsibility in trying to limit the spread of the virus in any way we can. If this means working at home more, if you can; do. If this means battening down the hatches and avoiding all non-essential socialising, if you can; do. If this means avoiding your GP surgery or A&E, if you possibly can; do. 

If you feel unwell, call for advice instead and keep the vulnerable (the very young, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions) in mind. Cough into your elbow, not your hand. Use disposable tissues and dispose of them well. As well as washing hands well, use alcohol gels in-between. Avoid public transport. Stay home. What might feel like a mild flu to you, may kill someone else. Take to the sofa, watch films, get well! 

My thoughts are with those in the eye of this storm, and those that fight everyday to help them x