Saturday, 17 August 2019


This summer we are home (having holidayed in May quite expensively). A mix of work and home, day trips, the pool in the garden (we have an over ground pool we set up each summer which Dan has built an amazing deck around it, meaning the kids jump in and out all day) and long dog walks. Yesterday we had a family wedding (thank you so much to Alex and Becky for not only sharing their special day with us, but also for holding a raffle which raised an amazing £560 for the CF Trust). It’s actually been really good to be home. Dan is likely to have three lots of surgery later this year (hernia, vascular surgery due to repeated thrombosis and a knee op for a torn ligament; my poor broken husband) - he’s OK, but it all needs doing, so it’s good to squeeze in some fun before all of that.  Isaac is doing really well.... the anti-fungal drugs really are reducing his symptoms overall (we think), and right now, the only troublesome side effects are his poor cracked lips which bleed. Having last had IVs in June, we’re feeling pretty smug that he is still so well.... if he can last until at least September (or beyond?!) before his next IVs - that would be fabulous. 

Some rare pictures of my lesser spotted teen, and his gorgeous sisters (and cousins Ben and Bodhi). 
Wishing you all a wonderful summer x