Sunday 26 August 2018

Holiday and home.

We made it. He made it! On day three of the holiday, hearing him rattle and cough, I was sure that I would be booking flights home for him and I, to head straight back to hospital. But the next day, things improved, and the next, and the next. Was the Cipro working, when the IVs did not? (they are still treating the same bug, only less powerfully, so no reason why they should). Did he just need that extra time after the IVs? Was the hours of swimming and running around with his friends, the sunshine (the joy?) helping him clear his chest, while the hospital physios could not? Are we even treating the right bug? We know he is colonised with PseudoA, but he may still have something new, that we’re missing. Despite the IVs, a three week break, IVs again, followed by two weeks on Cipro, I’m no more confident now that his lung function will have improved than I was at the beginning of summer. It’s not like BLACK OCTOBER, by any means, but he is not right, and for whatever reason, he doesn’t seem to be shaking this one just yet. A positive test (for a new bug, CFRD or another problem) would suck, but so does not getting any better, without really knowing why. Stable but not great is still no place I want him to be. 

All that said, France was full of love, and fun, and not a sniff of WiFi! Also, lots of art for me, I will share more in later posts. 
Hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer x 

These three 😍;