Monday 31 July 2017

Going away.

I am going to Mexico City for a week fairly soon. I've had the joy of travelling a little for work over the last 14 years (I started the job thinking I would stay a couple of years, and never left, the people are too lovely!) maybe once every couple of years, but more often in the last few years. Visiting printers and our other publishing offices around the world. As someone who never went travelling after uni and regretted it, it's a wonderful opportunity to see the wonderful sights of the world, and work in other cultures. 

But the idea of a week long trip, to so far away would have filled me with fear when Isaac was younger. To in no way belittle Dan's role as a parent (he is a fantastic Dad), when you're young and poorly, sometime you just want Mum. I would worry no end that he would get sick while I was away and I wouldn't be there for him, not to mention the cost to the company if I had to suddenly come home. I had to pull out of a trip to Milan the day before we flew once. But now... things do seem easier. 

There is nothing harder than your child being in pain, unwell, or symptomatic without knowing why when they can't call and tell you how they feel. There is something very special about being the one to wrap your arms around your kid and know that they feel somewhat better just because it's you. There is something very intuitive about a Mum and child, especially when they're sick; I can feel and hear the difference between normal cough and a crackle coming from his lower right lobe. I would often wake at night when he was little, knowing he needed me before even he did. 

But now, thanks to a wonderfully supportive family, Skype, and a fantastic kid who is happy for me to go away, and can tell me exactly how he feels on the phone, I can go away in peace and enjoy my adventure...

OK, admittedly I WILL worry, but then I always do. But only a little more than usual from afar. Frida Kahlo Museum and Teotihuacan Pyramids - here I come! 

I hope you have wonderful travels too x