Tuesday 8 September 2015

Transplant week

This week is transplant week, and I will decorate my Facebook page with 'inspirational' messages enticing people to sign up. Hopefully they will be in an old fashioned font and have a sunset image in the background.

Here, I can point you to REAL LIFE stories, should you want a realistic view. Transplant is not easy, and Piper writes here about her second transplant with her usual wit and realism.

I can point you in the direction of so many more stories; those friends who have died waiting; those friends who have had a successful transplant but later died following complications or rejection; those who have lived, and lived, and loved life.

The one common theme of the stories I know is that not one of them have regretted having transplants (or regretted hoping for one).

Live life then give life (after all, what you gonna do with them?).

And please remember, more importantly than just signing up for organ donation, please tell your loved ones. Your families wishes override any donor card you carry or register you may be on. It is just one conversation, but one that could save 9 other lives.

Sign up here.

Thinking of Jayne, who is still waiting for her new lungs, and who never loses her humour. Love you funny lady.