Tuesday 18 August 2015

Fleeting thoughts

Yesterday, my Mum and Stepdad (have I told you that they look after the kids the days I work? And how wonderfully amazing they are?) decided to take all three kids (it's school holidays) to the beach for the day. Dropping them off, they all stood waving goodbye to me from the drive way, and I froze for a moment. This terrible thought danced cruelly across my mind - what if they never came home? 

Immediately I craved for the softness of Rosa's skin on my cheek, and Anouk's kisses, and Isaac's hugs.... and for that horrible fleeting moment, just a second, my mind allowed me to imagine a life without them... No life at all. I spent the day worrying, calling, and asking a lovely friend of mine if she believed in omens (thank you for making me feel better Gem). 

This is not like me at all. Really. I'm so glass full usually, I'm overflowing. And of course they all had a lovely day in the sun, swam in the sea, enjoyed their picnic, and drove very safely home again. 

There is nothing like those fleeting moments to remind you of how lucky you are, and just how wonderful things really are. We have these three beautiful souls to share our lives with, and a supportive and loving family around us. We are the lucky ones.