Friday, 21 August 2015

A proper update

I feel I should update you on Isaac's health. Afterall, this is a blog about CF rather the random ramblings of my mind.... 

His tummy issues are still very much up and down. He still has pain. Which pains me. If not better soon, he will have a CT scan to look for  abnormality in his guts, for which there is a small chance of needing surgery. In the meantime, we are reintroducing the big guns for DIOS treatment, Gastrograffin, which last time (we think it was that) gave him a spectacular rash. We still hope this is a side effect rather than an allergy, and we can keep using it, as it works, and he just can't stand Movicol and the other 3 drugs they have prescribed him which are basically Movicol with a different name and in a different packet. They do that a lot with drugs. 

Chest wise he is great. We tend not to freak out about positive cough swabs these days, when we know the bugs at least. We know from experience to focus more on the symptoms than just the lab results. He is classed as 'colonised' with pseudoA (which basically means the bugs have set up camp, and plan to stay, but they may only be small camps, and it's only when they invite friends and have a party that it causes a big problem; which in CF they call an exacerbation). It's crappy that he has campers at all. But right now, he feels great. And I'm happy with great. 

We have news about the clinical trial (Ataluren) and very much hope to join (and in London, woohoo; before we were faced with travelling to further, less exciting cities!). But I must say it is a frustrating wait. We so much want to be part of something that may help him, and others. And for the first time, potentially taking a drug which targets the route cause of CF, rather than just the symptoms. It feels like a positive step, but we still feel no closer to knowing if we can join or not. 

That's about it really. There is always SOMETHING going on, but it's not all bad. Have a great day x 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Fleeting thoughts

Yesterday, my Mum and Stepdad (have I told you that they look after the kids the days I work? And how wonderfully amazing they are?) decided to take all three kids (it's school holidays) to the beach for the day. Dropping them off, they all stood waving goodbye to me from the drive way, and I froze for a moment. This terrible thought danced cruelly across my mind - what if they never came home? 

Immediately I craved for the softness of Rosa's skin on my cheek, and Anouk's kisses, and Isaac's hugs.... and for that horrible fleeting moment, just a second, my mind allowed me to imagine a life without them... No life at all. I spent the day worrying, calling, and asking a lovely friend of mine if she believed in omens (thank you for making me feel better Gem). 

This is not like me at all. Really. I'm so glass full usually, I'm overflowing. And of course they all had a lovely day in the sun, swam in the sea, enjoyed their picnic, and drove very safely home again. 

There is nothing like those fleeting moments to remind you of how lucky you are, and just how wonderful things really are. We have these three beautiful souls to share our lives with, and a supportive and loving family around us. We are the lucky ones. 

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Feeling better

It's been a bit up and down of late. But he IS feeling better. And I am feeling much more positive again. He did not have tonsillitis, but he is growing pseudoA again (nasty little CF bug) which explains the cough. He is improving again on some extra oral antibiotics (for now). Also, we hope to hear more news on the Ataluren clinical trial this week, which I'm excited about. More hospital next week. Hoping the DIOS problems of late are behind us (but not completely convinced). 

More soon. And in the meantime, have a lovely summer, and please do add comments/send me questions if you want. I love to hear from everyone x