Friday 8 May 2015

I hate mostly.

The week started with another sadness. Another life lost to CF. I am so so very sad for him, and his family. Feels so frickin unfair. 

Isaac's tests from his Immunology clinic came back as 'mostly reassuring'. I hate mostly. Why can't we have completely. Or absolutely. Or incredibly? 

Crucially some of the vaccines he has had in the past have not worked sufficiently, so he'll be having a few more jabs this week. I'm so glad that I pushed for the referral to the specialist.... He has CF, but little immunity to pneumonia.... ? Worrying. They are also going to keep an eye on him long term. There is a chance this immune deficiency of sorts will remain subtle. There is also a chance it may not. None of this is linked to his CF, just shitty luck I suppose. 

On the sunny side, he is well. We are all well. We have lots to look forward to. We are the lucky ones. We have new parquet floor, the garden is starting to look lovely and Obie has stopped toileting in the house. And shhhh, I am making secret plans for Dan's 40th.... (Not sure he reads this anyway!). 

Have a great weekend.