Sunday 29 March 2015

A year of blogging.

Isaac is really well. Still having a few issues with nausea, but hoping this will resolve soon. 

March has been jam packed. Spending a lot of time with family and friends. I had a couple of low weeks, if I'm honest, but it has just reminded me how lucky I am to have such fantastic friends. So thank you to all, especially Lemon and Bon for picking me back up, and to my wonderful sister Jo, who celebrated her 40th, and raised over £600 for the CF Trust in lieu of presents. As well as a great party, we had a weekend away in Norfolk with all the family, including our Obie (who is growing up fast, and an absolute joy). Isaac took some friends to Alton Towers to celebrate his birthday, and had a ball. 

Feeling very lucky. 

Thank you for reading.... One year on, and I'm finding this blog is as I'd hoped it would be; a great way to share our news, as well as raising CF awareness and getting people to consider signing up to the organ donor register. My friend Jayne just had her first call.... Sadly the lungs were not for her this time. Wishing her well until the right pair come along x