Saturday 3 January 2015

Happy New Year, but not for all.

Isaac is well. We are all well! Christmas has been pretty wonderful after all. I know it sounds cheesy, but I have spent much of it thinking about how lucky we are. We have three amazing children. A supportive family. Fun friends. A house that we have worked hard on to make beautiful (and it is our kind of beautiful). Jobs that we enjoy. Things to look forward to....

At the moment, it is a new addition to our household. That's right, we are having another boy! Albeit a four legged version this time. His name is Obie, and we are in love already... Pictures to follow. He is a German Shorthaired Pointer, and we will have him home in a few weeks. Kids are UBER excited. Of the litter of ten, he was the one that came right over to Isaac and sat on his lap the whole time... Like it was meant to be. We are all looking forward to another someone to love and to running around with him having fun.

And while we have been enjoying our festivities, presents, food, friends and family, all soaked in wine and love, my thoughts have also been with the daughter, friends and family of Emily Thackray, who has been so kind as to advise me about life with CF when Isaac was young, and has done so much for both the CF community and in raising awareness of organ donation for all who benefit from it (see here). I will miss you Emily. It all seems so fucking unfair.

Good night.