Monday 15 December 2014

Sick of sucky sickness

I am sat here listening to my boy coughing and I want to cry. 

I am feeling crappy too, just a nasty cold thing, but it doesn't help. How can I be the one looking after him when I can't stop coughing and spluttering myself? 

We have just been away for the weekend with friends, which was great, he managed really well, but home again he looks thinner, pale, and exhausted. He is already on the big guns (Cipro), we have upped his hypertonic saline nebs, physio, and added inhalers. Nothing more we can do right now but hope that he turns a corner very soon. 10 days til Christmas. That should be 10 days of fun filled Christmassy things with his friends and family.... Not home doing more treatments. The mission now is to get him well. And part of that is hoping that we are all well.... It feels like an endless game of pass the bug in our household this winter. Bleughhhhh. 

Merriness to resume shortly.